MANAAKITANGA (Caring for each other)

At Katikati College, we pride ourselves on the Manaakitanga that we provide for our students through our pastoral care team.

We have year level Deans who work with our students on maintaining their wellbeing and our Pouwhare (House Leaders) who provide academic mentoring and support our students with their attendance.

We have a separate Dean for our international students, to ensure that their welfare is cared for whilst they are with us.

Our Poumatua is a specific position that we have to better support our Maori students.  We also have a full time guidance counsellor on staff.

Our Year 7 students are involved in a peer support programme run by the Year 13 students.  This enables the new cohort to feel more comfortable in transitioning into our school.

Making Learning Queries

Providing your child with high quality, personalised teaching and learning opportunities is our priority.  If you have any concerns about their learning programmes or their learning progress and successs please contact our staff. 




Katikati College - Pastoral Wellbeing

Our staff and pastoral team use this behaviour framework to provide clarity and consistency regarding student behaviour expectations and supporting positive classroom learning culture.

Katikati College Pastoral Wellbeing