Uniform Specifications
Year 7-10 Boys and Girls
- Regulation green/black polo shirt
- Regulation College sweatshirt and/or College hoodie
- Long sleeve black thermal if needed during winter
- Regulation College black pants, shorts, skirts or lavalava
- Regulation black jacket
- Black shoes or sandals with straps (no brand signs or symbols)
- Black socks (girls may wear black pantyhose in winter)
- Regulation PE top with own black sports shorts
- Year 10 students may move into the senior blouse / shirt in Terms 3 & 4
Year 11 and 12 students Boys and Girls
- Regulation striped blouse/shirt
- Either regulation black pants, shorts, skirts or lavalava
- Regulation College sweatshirt and/or College hoodie
- Regulation black jacket
- Black shoes or black sandals with straps (no brand signs or symbols)
- Black socks
- Regulation tie and blazers for representative and formal occasions (these are available from the College when required)
Common Items
- Regulation sunhat, cap and beanie - no other hats are to be worn (hats to be removed inside.)
- Scarves may be worn in Terms 2 and 3 only. They are required to be black.
- Black or white long sleeve thermals can be worn.
- Plain black pantyhose (winter)
- College jackets may be worn both in and outdoors throughout the year. Non College jackets are not permitted.
- Regulation school uniforms or sports uniforms must be worn when travelling.
All items of clothing are the responsibility of the student and should be named.
Facial Piercings
Any facial piercing needs to be a small stud.
No Facial Hair
It is preferred that students are clean shaven at all times.
In working to the school values students are encouraged to have pride in themselves and the school uniform.
Jewellery - it is preferred that students wear jewellery that would be acceptable in a general work environment.
Tattoos - are allowed. Students who have offensive Tattoos will be expected to cover them up.
Students wearing incorrect uniform will be provided with a uniform pass - to be issued by the Dean or SLT. The Dean will contact home to discuss the need for the correct uniform.
Year 13 students do not have to wear school uniform but they do have to follow the dress code expectations.
- As a guideline, students should wear clothing that would be acceptable in a general work place.
- The discreet use of make-up, nail varnish and jewellery is permitted.
- The following items are NOT acceptable:
- Clothing with offensive images, messages or advertising
The College reserves the right to determine what is offensive, or unacceptable.
Uniform Price list and Shop Hours
The Uniform Price List and Shop Hours can be found here.
Katikati College Uniform Price List
Term 1 2025 Opening Days and Hours